Data Recovery Tips
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FBI Warns of Malware That Makes Recovery Impossible
01 / 09 / 2015 Chris Connor
In Linux and Unix operating systems, there is a folder at the root called /lost+found. This is a special folder created and used by the system and is used to store bits of data that are “unlinked” from the file system.
12 / 28 / 2012 Andre Barton
Fragmentation May Reduce Chance of Successful Recovery
Recovering fragmented files is a highly advanced process that involves some next-gen tools.
08 / 22 / 2017 J.R. Johnivan
Recovering Data from a Damaged File System on an External Disk
External disks are vulnerable and their file systems may become damaged.
02 / 20 / 2013 Joe Keeley
Recovering Lost or Deleted Data from Microsoft OneDrive
How to delete files that have been deleted from your Microsoft OneDrive account.
09 / 24 / 2016 J.R. Johnivan
Photo and video recovery from a memory card with a corrupted file system
Just because you cannot access the memory card doesn’t necessarily mean that your data has been lost forever. In fact, even when something is deleted purposefully, it is actually only marked as being able to be overwritten.
11 / 02 / 2012 Andre Barton